Business IT Productivity

5 Top Tips for Remote Working Across Timezones

I have spent a huge amount of my time working on projects crossing multiple time zones over the last few years. Let me share some of the tips I have learnt during this time to make collaborating easier. Top 5 Tips 1. Set up additional clocks in Windows to help you keep track of multiple time zones.…Continue reading5 Top Tips for Remote Working Across Timezones

Business Life Productivity

Do you dread the question “How long did you spend on this project?”

Like a lot of you, I work on multiple projects during the average working day and dread the question – how long did you spend on a particular task or project. Well, I did until I started using Toggl to track my time. What is Toggl? Toggl is an online time tracking tool with apps…Continue readingDo you dread the question “How long did you spend on this project?”

Life Productivity

How to use RSS like a Pro!

For years I understood what RSS feeds provided, but didn’t see how it was of use to me. I was quite happy visiting websites and digesting content direct. As I started reading more sites on a regular basis I found checking sites daily to be unmanageable. I would end up missing some articles and reading…Continue readingHow to use RSS like a Pro!


The ultimate solution for tracking your finances

Times are tight and as costs keep increasing it is important for us to track our spending. In this article I will explain my favourite online tool for doing this. The Problem I use a large range of financial institutions to manage my money, covering current accounts, savings and credit cards. I use a total…Continue readingThe ultimate solution for tracking your finances

Business IT

Are you missing the hidden costs of Free Open Source software?

Business often consider Open Source software to be free due to it being free to download, install and use. But is it really free? What is Open Source Software? Open Source software is software developed under a licence that prevents charging for the software and requires the distribution of source code. Anyone can take a…Continue readingAre you missing the hidden costs of Free Open Source software?

IT Microsoft Office Productivity

Frustrated with Document Formatting in Word?

Millions of people use Microsoft Word daily, but only a fraction of users exploit more than 5% of the functionality available. This is sometimes because trying to use the functionality without understanding it can lead to frustration as it doesn’t behave as intended. Use tutorials to learn more and reduce frustration Although an IT professional,…Continue readingFrustrated with Document Formatting in Word?

Cyber Security IT

LastPass – Does it improve your security?

For those of you that are not familiar, LastPass is an online service to securely store your passwords. The service stores all your passwords online, accessible with a single master password you set. The range of plugins for web browsers mean you can automatically fill in your login details on websites easily. But is it…Continue readingLastPass – Does it improve your security?

Cyber Security IT

Cryptolocker / Gameover Zeus: 5 steps to stay protected!

Yet again the news is full of warnings over the latest security threat. I don’t know about you, but the number of warnings are beginning to get a bit old…  Well this time, we are being warned about backing up and ensuring our anti-virus is up-to-date. I know you are fed up with all this…Continue readingCryptolocker / Gameover Zeus: 5 steps to stay protected!


Do you take the Internet for granted?

I am one week into a nice relaxing holiday in the North of Scotland and enjoying every minute (now I have sorted out my internet). I am staying just above Inverness in a town called Rosemarkie, popular with tourists and commuters alike. I have stayed here about 3 years ago and knew the mobile phone…Continue readingDo you take the Internet for granted?

Business Life

The death of local shops – is it avoidable?

After reading about a local music shop closing after starting up in 1945, it got me thinking; if the death of local shops is something that will be inevitable as more and more of us buy on-line and from supermarkets. I was saddened by the news of the local music shop closing, for many it…Continue readingThe death of local shops – is it avoidable?