Accessibility IT Productivity

How to Check PDF Accessibility

I was asked recently if a PDF generated by a colleague was accessible to me as a screen reader. As it happens, it wasn’t, and I provided feedback. But it got me into looking for tools that allows people to check PDF accessibility. Aren’t all PDF’s accessible? Heck no, far from it. PDF is one…Continue readingHow to Check PDF Accessibility

IT Life Living with Sight Loss Productivity

My Blind Tech Setup 2023

After publishing my blind tech setup last year and receiving great feedback, I thought I would update. it for 2023. So, I am sharing what I use in my Blind Tech Setup this year, I hope you find it useful. Phone and Watch No change here, the iPhone 14 Pro Max and Apple Watch Ultra…Continue readingMy Blind Tech Setup 2023

Accessibility Business IT Life

Where do I start with Accessibility? [Updated 26 May 24]

Where do I start with Accessibility? is the first question that anyone new to accessibility asks. Therefore, this post aims to provide a starting point to get involved with accessibility, regardless of you level of knowledge or role. This post was last updated on 26 May 2024. Jump to updated Section What is Accessibility? Accessibility…Continue readingWhere do I start with Accessibility? [Updated 26 May 24]

IT Life Productivity

Is ChatGPT Assistive Technology for Everyone?

ChatGPT is the latest AI (Artificial Intelligence) craze that promises to change the world. There is no doubt that ChatGPT is impressive and is already changing the world as we see schools and universities banning its use. However, is ChatGPT assistive technology for everyone? What is ChatGPT? Well, I asked ChatGPT to explain what it…Continue readingIs ChatGPT Assistive Technology for Everyone?

IT Life Living with Sight Loss Productivity

My Blind Tech Setup 2022

I know I am always looking to find out what others are using in their blind tech setup; it really is the best way to learn. So, I am sharing what I use in my Blind Tech Setup, I hope you find it useful. Phone and Watch The iPhone 14 Pro Max and Apple Watch…Continue readingMy Blind Tech Setup 2022

Business IT Microsoft Office Productivity

How to fix Microsoft Teams Performance Issues

As many of us have adjusted to remote working, a large amount of our time is spent within Microsoft Teams, so what do you do when it isn’t performing as it needs to? Continue reading to find out how to fix Microsoft Teams performance issues. Symptoms of Microsoft Teams Performance Issues Teams CPU usage is…Continue readingHow to fix Microsoft Teams Performance Issues

Business IT Life

Reflecting on 20 years in IT

As 2020 draws to an end, I wanted to share Reflecting on 20 years in IT. Twenty years ago I started my first job as IT Manager for a Food Testing Laboratory. At 18 I found myself being solely responsible for all IT across two sites. This was my dream job, and I was determined…Continue readingReflecting on 20 years in IT

Business Life

The death of local shops – is it avoidable?

After reading about a local music shop closing after starting up in 1945, it got me thinking; if the death of local shops is something that will be inevitable as more and more of us buy on-line and from supermarkets. I was saddened by the news of the local music shop closing, for many it…Continue readingThe death of local shops – is it avoidable?

Business IT

Cloud Computing – Caution!

This week you may have heard about Adobe Creative Cloud having a 27 hour outage and the chaos it caused businesses. Everyday our lives become more dependant on cloud services, I don’t just mean our personal email, but also the companies we use and depend on. Cloud computing is changing the landscape of business and…Continue readingCloud Computing – Caution!

Business IT

Do we expect too much from IT Systems?

There is no denying that IT is a huge part of our business today and is offering new opportunities and improvement we hadn’t even considered 10 years ago. The way businesses have changed is leading to IT becoming the default port of call when an issue needs a solution, but is this leading to businesses overlooking more obvious solutions?Continue readingDo we expect too much from IT Systems?